Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Quarter 1 Week 5

Happy Tuesday 3C! I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend filled with rest and relaxation. We enjoyed the weekend with family as we celebrated my grandfather's birthday! I missed our scholars and am looking forward to the week ahead! 

Happy Birthday Nonno!

This past week we worked in groups on our science project in class, and did a wonderful job writing paragraphs on different types of fish! Students continued to add to their project by drawing their fish in class today. 

Hard at work!

Highlighting the important facts!

We also had a student bring in an interesting owl feather the found in their backyard, thank you Tichelle for sharing!

Grandparents Day is this Friday! We are excited to see any Grandparents that can make it at the assembly and back in the classroom for story time.  

Also, progress packets went home on Friday! Please be sure to look over those and return the signed half sheet with any comments. Thank you!

Language Arts:
For a four day week, we will sure be busy! To make up for lost time, we will be learning 15 spelling words on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thank you parents for assisting with the practice spelling test this last Thursday. Your involvement is so vital and appreciated! Be on the lookout for a practice test again this Thursday! In Pinocchio, we will be reading chapters 19-23. “Show, not tell” is the name of the game this week in writing as our scholars learn to appeal to the senses in their writing. We have covered the basic parts of speech in grammar and there will be an assessment on Friday. All of our grammar time this week is dedicated to review, but there will be a study guide sent home so the class knows exactly what to expect.

We will continue our study of bar models through word problems this week. Our Wednesday math groups will be dedicated to word problems and bar modeling as well and there will be a quiz afterwards on the subject. On Thursday and Friday, we will be reviewing addition with renaming and take a short quiz to assess their mastery on Friday.

This week we will finish up discussing fish with a fun art activity. Students will draw their favorite fish as well as correctly name it  and write facts about the fish. We will continue to learn all about amphibians this week through our reading and writing!.

This week in history we are going to continue learning about rivers! We will see how rivers can be a source of trade. We will also be taking a quiz on what we have learned about rivers so far on Thursday. Be on the lookout for the rivers study guide going home on Tuesday!

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