Sunday, February 11, 2018

Quarter 3 Week 6

Dear 3C Parents,

I hope you all had a great weekend!  We are looking to a fun week ahead with Great Hearts Day and all of the excitement that comes with it.  Please reach out with any questions!


Mrs. Bowers

A Day for Friendship - Wednesday, February 14th is Great Hearts Day! We have reserved this special day to focus on the virtue of friendship and celebrate the traits that make a great-hearted student. Teachers are planning interactive and fun activities centered around these topics, and time will be set aside for students to create hand-made Great Hearts Day cards for their classmates.  Archway Arete strives to cultivate a rich, academic environment rooted in the classical tradition. This many times requires popular culture to be left at the door. On that note, students will not be permitted to bring store-bought valentines, candy, or gifts to school. Thank you for partnering with us.

Link to come read a friendship story with our class: Great Hearts Day

This week please send in The Little Prince for literature. We will be writing an informational essay about the Inuit people on Tuesday. Tuesday will be almost completely dedicated to writing to prepare the class to write an essay from start to finish in one school day. Each child will be coached on their project throughout the day for their particular writing needs. We will continue to review grammar concepts in the latter half of the week as well. Don’t forget to work on the poem a little each night!

We will continue our unit on time this week.  The students will add and subtract time in compound units on Monday and there will be a quiz Tuesday covering everything learned in this unit so far.  At the end of the week we will convert different units of time such as seconds/minutes, months/years, and days/weeks.  

This will be our final week on light.  The students will review colors on Monday as well as fill out their study guide.  The students will take their final light quiz on Friday.  


We will continue with our Earliest Americans unit this week! We will look at the Apache, Seminole, and Cherokee tribes. We will explore the importance of family clans in the Seminole tribe and discover who Sequoyah was. Look for a study guide coming home on Thursday as our Earliest Americans Quiz will be next week!

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