Friday, March 31, 2017

Q4 W3

Hello Parents!

We are quickly approaching mid-quarter! 😊 Here is a look at what is happening in 3rd grade.

1.    AZMerit Testing for Reading and Math will be on Tuesday and Thursday of next week. The best thing to do to prepare for the test is get a good night's sleep and eat a well-balanced breakfast. A conversation at home about putting our best foot forward would be helpful. Due to testing, no homework will be given on Monday and Wednesday evening, homework will be assigned as usual all other nights.
2.    Our field trip to the Musical Instrument Museum will be April 21st, please be on the lookout for further information soon!
A Look in the Classroom
1.    Language Arts: We are travelling deeper into Narnia with Lucy, Susan, Peter, and the bewitched Edmund and greatly enjoying our adventure together. We will be doing an intensive cursive review during Spalding next week to reset our penmanship, getting everything ship shape for 4th grade! In grammar we will be review prepositions and conjunctions, as well as diagramming compound subjects in sentences. We will start practicing our final poem of the year, Pocahontas by Rosemary Carr Benet.
2.    Science: This week we will be taking a closer look at our solar system. Specifically, we are going to learn about each of the planets and create a fun solar system book to record information. At the end of the week we will learn about comets, asteroids, and the difference between meteors, meteoroids, and meteorites! The graphic organizer for the project is due on Monday, April 10th and the project is due on Monday, May 8th. We have seen a lot of curiosity and excitement around this unit and are so excited to see the final projects that come in. Take a look at the rubrics that were sent home which will be used to grade the final products!
3.    Math: There is a short quiz planned for Monday; look out for this weekend's homework to help students prepare for it. Lessons will be kept to a minimum due to AzMERIT; on Wednesday we will be having a day of fun with plenty of games and activities during our math centers, and on Friday we will resume lessons with a lesson on meters, centimeters, and converting between the two.
4.    History: This week will primarily be spent reviewing for a quiz on the early Americans on Friday. Students will come home with a completed study guide on Tuesday, for which there is also a Quizlet ( available to study for the vocabulary and True/False portions of the quiz.
1.    Friday - Early Americans Test

Please let me know if there is anything  I can help with and have a fantastic weekend!


Mrs. Bowers 

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